Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lab 4: GIS Intro

Below is my map image for the Lab 4

As you may notice from looking at it, this is not a completed Lab whatsoever. And as much as I would like to have a valid excuse for why this is not completed I don't have one worth writing on here. I can say this though, my experience with this program has been so difficult and convoluted that completing this project was a major problem.

We can start with the great things of this program and the benefits of ARCGIS, mainly being the ability to transpose layers on one another, add data that can be visually expressed, and organize a map in a variety of scales and land use types to really help understand a problem or solution. Already I found it absolutely fascinating that by adding in data from sources provided that it can all come together in this problem and show some remarkable images for better understanding of an issue.

With that said, this program also has many problems and flaws to it. First is that it is complicated in all the wrong areas and simplified where more detail is needed. Specifically, the userface is that of a Windows 98, which surprises me considering we are now in 2011. I would imagine there are much more user friendly ways to make such a comprehensive map. Also, as you transport to each level of mapping you can easily mess up past information without meaning to.

Another problem is that if you have to save data from one project session to another, it doesn't always save the data. Input data is lost often in the transfer which means you have to double back and refigure out where you went wrong.

Finally the method of instruction for this was based solely off of the tutorial. I can follow instructions, but to really gain insight into the program and how to make it work, there needs to be more practical teaching in Lab as a whole.

-Nick Rojas

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