Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lab #3 My Map of Singapore

Here is my map of things to see in Singapore.

View Seeing Singapore in a larger map

There are many great things about a map like this. It allows you to look down over an area and not only see where things are, but read a little about them and see what the physically look like through pictures. I know for me if someone were to describe a "merlion" statue I would be very confused by what I was trying to imagine. A picture that supplements the description really helps. Also a video, like the only for the Vertical Mile, allows viewers to not only see the event, but grab a glimpse of the city as well as if you were standing at the top of the building.

There are some limits though that come with a map like this. Obviously you are not physically there, so it can't replace seeing a site in person. Also you must need internet access in order to see this. You can't interact and open up descriptions if you print this to take with you. Finally, the map is just that, a map. It is whatever someone wants it to be. No matter how well designed, its up to the user to make the most of it.

-Nick Rojas

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